


CORALinK™ is intended to assist first responders identify individuals who are either unconscious or unable to speak or in danger during an emergency. With a single click on the icon on the mobile device first responders are able to view lifesaving medical information such as basic profile, blood type, allergies and medications at the point of care saving precious seconds thus saving lives, at the same time three emergency points of contacts are notified through SMS and email of the occurrence and location of emergency showing the GPS coordinates.

"When using the CORAnet™ solution, individual patients cannot alter any source-identified health information originating from an EHR system. This guarantees data integrity. Users may, however, add or delete diagnosed allergies, thereby safeguarding against contraindications to medications not otherwise annotated. In addition, if the patient wishes to share EHR data using an email address, the system can generate a PDF file that is password protected.” — Nitin Naik, Vice President of Global Life Sciences, Frost & Sullivan